Growing Bissett Financial Fitness through podcasting.

Tracey Bissett is the Founder and Chief Financial Trainer at Bissett Financial Fitness, where she provides financial coaching for young adults, as well as entrepreneurs.

Through hosting the Young Money podcast, Tracey hopes to create more financial fitness and financial literacy around the world.

Money—or lack thereof—permeates all aspects of our lives: our health, our relationships, and our overall success.

That’s why Tracey aims to help as many people as possible navigate this important area.

“My mission is to elevate knowledge so that people can hit the goals they have for themselves and have a better life … which ultimately makes the world better.”

Recently reaching a milestone of over 100,000 downloads, it’s obvious her efforts are being noticed.

And Tracey’s story offers a lesson that everyone wanting to grow their business can learn from:


By putting yourself out there through a podcast,

you broaden your reach and, therefore, open the door to more opportunities.


Tracey explained that, before the podcast, the main challenge she faced in her business was picking up traction in new markets with new audiences.

“To expand reach, you need to be consistent, be out there regularly, have a consistent presence, and have the same look and feel so people know what to expect.”

If you grab the attention of someone once, but then do not show up similarly again, it can be hard to cultivate connections and build relationships with these potential clients or business partners.

Which leads us to another key lesson:

If you want to remain fresh in someone’s mind,

you have to maintain a steady flow of content.

Starting out as a banker with limited tech knowledge, Tracey was apprehensive about creating her own podcast.

But a gentle nudge from her business coach set her on the right track.

As Tracey discovered in starting her show, podcasting is a long-term approach to business marketing.

It’s a very committed process that does not lead to overnight success—but with the right team behind you, it can be a lot of fun while you work to get there!

“[Podcasting has] brought back a lot of creativity because working in corporate—it kind of squishes a lot of that out of you.”

Tracey shared that since launching her podcast—which has now released over 170 episodes—she has been contacted by many people asking for her to be a part of speaking events.

What’s more, her following and connections on all social platforms have increased.

And there was another benefit she did not anticipate when launching her podcast:

“[Podcasting] gets you to crystalize your message about what you’re out there doing. You become more articulate as a speaker, and you really know how to frame things.”

As she released more episodes, Tracey not only gained authority on the subject, but also increased her credibility and profile.

She has noticed a change in the way people who already knew her see her now, saying that she has surprised many of her colleagues with her behind-the-scenes, need-to-know tips.

By sharing weekly advice of her own and hosting numerous financially fit guests, Tracey allows business owners of any size access to the kind of knowledge one would generally only receive from going to college—like Centennial College, where she serves as a professor.

So what can those planning to start a podcast learn from Traceys’ experience?

Tracey launched with 10 pre-recorded episodes “in the bank,” which she believes is key for anyone thinking about starting a podcast.

“You definitely work in the podcast factory—you have to crank out an episode every week, whether you want to or not.”

Having a collection of episodes to pull from helps take some of the pressure off, and makes for a smoother release schedule in case something comes up during a planned recording session.

As another keynote, Tracey spoke about the importance of lining up your team and ensuring everyone is on the same page—and that includes your podcast production team.

“I have had some production issues in the past, which isn’t fun and makes the experience less enjoyable.

So anybody that’s going to get started—make sure you have a good producer.”

And when the inevitable tech issues arise?

Tracey offered a helpful tip for anyone experiencing technical issues at the beginning of recording:

“You have to remain calm so that the guest doesn’t become flustered with the tech issues. Otherwise, it could carry into the interview.”

But in the end, Tracey says it is all worth it.

As she told her friends who have recently joined the podcasting industry themselves:

“The benefit that you get, the fun of it and the value, far exceeds any of the work effort that goes into it.”

Although Tracey is now confident in her podcasting abilities, she knows that her show isn’t for everyone, and she welcomes others to fill any gaps that there may be.

“If my show isn’t for you, then there are lots of other ones, and I feature some of those podcasters on my show.”

So if the goal isn’t to have everyone listen to her show, what is it?

“The goal is for [entrepreneurs and younger listeners] to learn more about money, and however they do that is wonderful. The more the merrier because the more we can take the mystery out of money, the better.”

As Tracey and The Young Money Podcast have proven,

podcasting can greatly improve your business.


Yes, it takes work, but in the end, the payoff is worth it.

Interested in starting a podcast of your own?

We can help! Click here to schedule a free consultation.

We’d love to help you get started on your own podcast success story.


Want to learn more about Tracey and Bissett Financial Fitness?


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